The challenge...
“I became pregnant and wanted to quit smoking to give the best start in life for my baby, not to mention I am getting older and want to prioritise my health to ensure that I’m here for my children - I’m stopping smoking for them. I had tried to quit before, but relapsed as I was in a stressful situation, and I didn't feel the time was right to quit back then.
Our support...
“During my pregnancy I decided to get specialist help to quit smoking for good. I joined One You Cheshire East and attended the group meetings with the Health Coaches. She gave me the best advice and supported me all the time.
“Whilst using the service, I was given patches which worked well for me; I found that helpful and was able to set new routines for myself. The face-to-face contact and non-smoking app recommended by my Health Coach were very helpful. It has been most challenging for me when in social environments, so I’ve also acquired a nicotine free e-cig to give me the kick.”
I’ve benefitted from this service so much. For me, it was just knowing that I wasn't alone and there is help available. Having a Health Coach who believes in you helps a lot, she is lovely, reassuring and has made me feel confident and comfortable at every session.
What happened...
“I am now a non-smoker and already I can feel the difference, I’m getting enough sleep so that I’m not tired and craving a cigarette. I no longer smell like cigarette smoke, and I can utilise my time a bit better too.
“I recommend the service; it’s helped me, and it can help others too who are looking to improve their health and lifestyle. Thanks again!”